
Destiny 2 Research

Bringing the latest research to guardians since 2020

Destiny 2 is notoriously complex so we made it our goal to put our extensive knowledge of the game to use by teaching the greater community the ins and outs of perks, mechanics, and more.

To do this, we've created an open-source database with all the information we manage and regularly update. We then partnered up with many of the most popular 3rd party projects in the Destiny community to bring this information to where your need it the most. 

In spite of the enormous effort required, we've managed to create a workflow that lets us do this FOR FREE! We strongly believe that access to our work should stay free forever so we're really happy with how things have ended up working out.

However, we do want to expand the topics we cover and also just put out more things so we have created a Ko-Fi Page where you can directly support our work. Doing so allows us to dedicate more of our time to covering the game we love and benefits the greater community as well.

Donations also help us set aside more time for larger projects like our explainer threads on Twitter and future blog posts that often take days or weeks to create and research. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to reasonably set aside the time required for these so to those who have supported us in any way: Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts! You enable us to put this level of effort into our work and we're extremely grateful for that.

In addition to the high-level approach we're taking by making information more accessible to people in the ways outlined above, we're also offering "consulting" opportunities to creators - FOR FREE! These can range from script reviews (from a purely technical standpoint) and detailed mechanic explanations to just general Q&A about the game or perks. Due to it being a free service and the time required to properly research questions (when applicable), we cannot promise that a fully-fledged script review will be a possibility every time but we'll try our best to help whenever possible.

If you're interested and would like to learn more about this service, visit our Creators Page.

Our Partners

We've partnered up with all the community projects below to bring our trusted explanations of Destiny 2 perks, mods, and more to where you need them the most! This way, you can continue using your favourite apps without the fear of losing out on anything!

If you are an app/website developer looking to join the list head to our partnerships page to learn more!

Destiny Item Manager
Little Light
Blue Engram
Vault Zero
Destiny Perks

A Massive Thank You To Our Sponsors!

You make our work possible and for that, we're endlessly grateful. 💚

All members of our €25 Tier on Ko-Fi are permanently added to this list even if they later cancel their membership.

If you'd like to assist us in our work of spreading good information around in the community, consider joining our team! It comes with many benefits including but not limited to: a sense of superiority, being proud of your accomplishments, and basically nothing else! Joking aside, this is volunteer work with no promises of us being able to reciprocate the kind gesture anytime soon. But if we do eventually break even due to support through Ko-Fi, we'll be sure to keep your efforts in mind.

We're currently looking for people to help translate our tooltips to other officially-supported Destiny languages so if you think you could be of assistance, please visit our Contributor Information Page. Applications are closed for the moment as we finalize our processes but we'll be sure to open them up when we feel ready. Until then, please feel free to let us know if you're interested in becoming a translator after reading the requirements.